
时间:2017-07-03 12:02:27


[00:53.22]I respect peopIe who do. . . 我敬佩那些动脑袋想问题的人,可是…
[00:53.54]. . .but I just try to make the days not hurt untiI I get to crawI in next to you again. 我只想不伤害任何人 能安安稳稳的与你厮守
[01:02.90]I mean, oh. 我的意思是,哦!
[01:05.90]Look, I'm reaIIy sorry. But I'm more than just sorry. . . 真的很抱歉,不仅仅只是抱歉…
[01:10.42]. . .I'm prepared with a soIution. …我已经想好了解决方案
[01:11.10]I've aIways been afraid I'd screw up our Iives so badIy we'd need a backup pIan. 我总是担心自己把生活搞砸 对此留有后路,以备不时之需
[01:16.30]And that pIan is right here! 那个方案就在这里!
[01:23.34]No. 不是
[01:24.34]Bingo. 有了
[01:25.18]Nope. 不是这个
[01:30.54]Bear with me. 请多包涵
[01:37.06]AIaska. A pIace where you can't be too fat or too drunk. 阿拉斯加,一个不会超重 不会酩酊大醉的地方
[01:37.86]AIaska? 阿拉斯加?
[01:41.74]Where no one says things Iike: 一个没人在乎
[01:43.26]''Let's see your high schooI equivaIency certificate. '' "高中毕业证"的地方
[01:47.58]I don't know, Homie. 我不确定,荷马
[01:49.78]I'm not saying it right. 我说的不是很恰当
[01:53.46]Look, the thing is, I can't start a new Iife aIone. 这样想吧 我无法独自一人开始新生活
[01:57.14]And I've reaIIy come to Iike you guys. 而且我真的开始喜欢你们这帮家伙了!


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