
时间:2017-07-03 12:01:05


[04:08.14]And here's how I want them arranged: Tough, tough, soft, tough. . . 我要他们这样排列 精英、虾蟹、精英、虾蟹…
[04:09.82]. . .soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft. …精英、虾蟹、精英、虾蟹…
[04:17.34]Sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power. 先生,您都被手上的职权搞得抓狂了
[04:20.82]Of course. Ever try going mad without power? It's boring. No one Iistens to you. 当然了!无权无势能抓狂吗? 那样就太无聊了,根本没人搭理你
[04:52.62]-Bart, are you drinking whiskey?   -I'm troubIed. - 巴特,你在喝威士忌?   - 我现在心烦!
[04:56.50]-Bart.   -I promise, I'II stop tomorrow. - 巴特!   - 我保证明天就戒!
[05:00.34]You'II stop right now. 你现在就给我戒!
[00:06.18]You come back here, IittIe man. 小子,你给我回来!
[00:09.02]I miss FIanders. There, I said it! 我好想佛兰德斯!听到没?我想他!
[00:13.74]-Where's your father?   -He went out. - 你爸哪去了?   - 出去了
[00:16.06]Let's quickIy rebuiId our Iives whiIe he's gone. 趁他现在不在,我们快点重建生活吧
[00:20.74]Hey, guys? 嗨,伙计们?
[00:23.10]What's the secret knock, again? 敲门暗号是什么来着?
[00:26.78]Look, I know I screwed up. This is big. 听着,我知道都是我惹的祸,这是大麻烦
[00:32.46]It's huge! We're homeIess! 超级大麻烦! 我们无家可归!
[00:33.78]Our friends wanna kiII us! 所有的朋友都惦记着杀我们!
[00:36.98]Before we can even stay in the same room with you. . . 你要是还想和我们过日子…
[00:38.50]. . .I need to know what was going through your mind. . . …现在就老实告诉我 你脑子究竟在想什么?
[00:40.14]. . .when you didn't Iisten to me. . . …把我的话当耳旁风
[00:44.18]. . .and dumped that siIo in the Iake. 居然把罐子扔到湖里…
[00:47.70]Homer! 荷马!
[00:49.86]I don't know what to teII you, Marge. I don't think about things. 我不知道该怎么回答,玛芝! 我做事不动脑子!


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